
Aim and Objectives

We will try to mimic the odd events in this installation and therefore, anyone who walk through this installations will feel the emotions of fear themselves. The environment of the installation will be set up accordingly to invoke the emotions of fear.


We want the user to achieve the full experience of feeling the emotions of fear. We also want to create this installation where the user will feel the originality of experiencing the real thing.

Design Approach

We would like to place our installation in a dark place where we possess the power of surprise where it will make the user feel more scary. We also will place our installation inside a place where it surrounded by walls where the sound will bounce back to create echoes. The installation using 2 scary doll that will produce a random sound when the user touch it and will on the light when the user comer nearer to the doll. Other than that,we will put 2 projector on the first floor that will produce a movie when the user come near it.

update storyboard

Interaction design

The installation starts when the user/ audience see the soft toy that will be tied at the stair holder. If the user touch the soft toys, it will trigger the sound that been set in the software. After the soft toys, when the users start to walk on the stairway, the webcam will detect movement and it will trigger sound and projection that will project image/ scene from horror movie on the wall. Next, the user will hear sound without any image will pop up. On the 1st floor, there will be webcam to detect the movement and when it do, it will play sound and projection play the scene from horror movie on the wall next to the door. When the users continue walking toward 2nd floor, the users will hear sound because of the webcam detect movement. Then, when they continue walking, they will see on the 3rd platform a soft toy on the lamp. However, the lamp will be light up because of the webcam detect the movement. The last interactive is when the user finally arrive at the 2nd floor, the camera will detect movement and play the sound that been set in the software.

artist impression

The installation is specifically design to deliver the emotions of fear to the user. A series of interactive gadgets is placed along the staircase such as camera triggered sound clips and projections and interactive soft toys.


We have make a survey to FIT student. According to the result that we have,this is the conclusion. The survey have been done by 30 students.

Sound clips

This setup use the smallest amount of gadgets which is a computer, a speaker and a webcam. It is very simple, when motion is detected, sound is triggered.


This is the setup where we use a computer, projector, speaker and a webcam. In this case, we use a monitor instead of a projector because the projector was not available. Firstly, the projector will display a video that loops continuously. When motion is detected by the webcam, the video will switch to a scary video clip with sound effects and when it finishes, the first video will be played again.

Interactive doll

In this setup, we would use a computer, a mouse, a set of speakers and a doll. Basically, we put the mouse inside the doll and each time the user touch the doll, the mouse will move and a sound clip will be triggerred.

webcam functionality in dark places

Even in a dark places,the webcam can still detect motion perfectly. The zone trigger can adjust the brightness , contrass, colour intensity, gain and exposure. We can also used light as a trigger for our sound clip. So we dont have any problem to used the webcam in the dark places

Interface Design

Sound clip (Zone Trigger)

The first screen shows a circle inside the camera view where the sensitivity area is placed. The second screen shows when the motion is detected, the circle will turn blue and a sound clip will be played.

Projections(Zone Trigger + Flash)

Firstly, we will open up the Zone Trigger software, once motion is detected, an enter key will be assigned as a keyboard function. Then we will open the flash file. A video will be looping continuously, when enter key is pressed. it will play another video.

Interactive Doll(Zone Trigger + Flash)

Basically we use the same program with the projections. In this case we do not use the zone trigger software. Instead we just use action scripts, so when the user moves the cursor, a sound clip will be played.